Confidence-Boosting Training Games for Abused Dogs

Abused dogs often suffer from a lack of trust and confidence. They may have experienced trauma and mistreatment that makes it difficult for them to feel safe and secure around humans.


11/18/20233 min read

white short coat medium sized dog on green grass during daytime
white short coat medium sized dog on green grass during daytime

Fun Games for Abused Dogs!

Abused dogs often suffer from a lack of trust and confidence. They may have experienced trauma and mistreatment that makes it difficult for them to feel safe and secure around humans.
However, with patience, understanding, and the right training techniques, it is possible to help these dogs regain their confidence and build a positive relationship with humans once again.

The Importance of Confidence-Building

Confidence-building is a crucial step in the rehabilitation process for abused dogs. When a dog lacks confidence, they may exhibit fearful or aggressive behaviors, making it challenging for them to live a happy and fulfilling life. By engaging in confidence-boosting training games, we can help these dogs overcome their fears, rebuild trust, and develop a more positive outlook on life.

Training Game 1: Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek is a fun and interactive game that can help an abused dog build trust and confidence. Start by finding a quiet area where you and your dog can play undisturbed. Begin by hiding in an easily accessible spot, such as behind a door or under a blanket. Encourage your dog to come and find you by using a cheerful and inviting tone of voice.

As your dog becomes more comfortable with the game, you can gradually increase the difficulty level by hiding in more challenging spots. This game not only helps build trust but also encourages problem-solving skills and boosts the dog's overall confidence.

Training Game 2: Obstacle Course

An obstacle course can be a fantastic confidence-building activity for an abused dog. Set up a course using everyday objects such as cones, tunnels, and low jumps. Start with simple obstacles and gradually increase the difficulty level as your dog becomes more comfortable.

Use treats and positive reinforcement to motivate your dog to complete each obstacle. This game not only helps the dog overcome fears and build confidence but also improves their coordination, balance, and overall physical fitness.

Training Game 3: Clicker Training

Clicker training is a popular positive reinforcement technique that can help an abused dog associate positive experiences with humans. Start by introducing your dog to the clicker, associating the sound with rewards such as treats or praise.

Use the clicker to mark desired behaviors, such as sitting or lying down, and immediately reward your dog. This game helps build trust and confidence by creating a positive association with human interaction. Over time, as your dog becomes more comfortable, you can introduce more complex commands and behaviors.

Training Game 4: Food Dispensing Toys

Food dispensing toys are a great way to engage an abused dog's mind and build confidence. These toys require the dog to work for their food, providing mental stimulation and a sense of accomplishment.

Fill the toy with your dog's favorite treats or kibble and let them figure out how to get the food out. This game encourages problem-solving skills, boosts confidence, and helps the dog associate positive experiences with humans, as you are the one providing the toy and the rewards.

Training Game 5: Nose Work

Nose work is an excellent confidence-building game for abused dogs, as it taps into their natural instincts and abilities. Start by hiding treats or toys in various locations around the house or yard and encourage your dog to use their nose to find them.

As your dog becomes more skilled, you can increase the difficulty level by hiding the items in more challenging spots. This game not only builds confidence but also provides mental stimulation and a sense of accomplishment for the dog.


Building confidence in an abused dog is a gradual process that requires patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement. By engaging in training games such as Hide and Seek, Obstacle Course, Clicker Training, Food Dispensing Toys, and Nose Work, we can help these dogs regain their trust in humans and develop a more positive outlook on life.

Remember to always respect the dog's boundaries and never force them to participate in any activity they are uncomfortable with. With time and love, abused dogs can overcome their past and thrive in a safe and nurturing environment.