The Smells That Dogs Love: Unveiling Dogs Preferences

While scientific data on canine smell preferences may be limited, studies like the one mentioned in this article provide valuable insights into the scents that dogs find appealing.


12/21/20234 min read

woman sitting on sofa while holding food for dog
woman sitting on sofa while holding food for dog

Smells That Dogs Love

When it comes to our furry friends, we often wonder what they find enticing. From their favorite treats to the toys they love to play with, understanding their preferences allows us to provide them with a fulfilling and enriching life. One aspect that has piqued the curiosity of many dog owners is the scents that dogs find appealing.

While there is limited scientific data available on canine smell preferences, a recent study aimed to shed light on this fascinating topic. The study sought to verify dogs' reactions to selected scents that are also appealing to humans. Let's delve into the findings and explore the smells that dogs love.

The Remarkable Dog's Sense of Smell

Before we dive into the specific scents that dogs find appealing, it's essential to understand why their sense of smell is so remarkable. Dogs possess an olfactory system that far surpasses our own. While humans have approximately six million olfactory receptors, dogs have a staggering 300 million or more.

This heightened sense of smell allows dogs to detect a wide range of odors, making them invaluable in various fields such as search and rescue, drug detection, and even medical diagnostics. Their noses are so sensitive that they can detect scents in parts per trillion, a level that is inconceivable to us.

Scents That Dogs Love

While dogs may not have the ability to communicate their olfactory preferences to us directly, the study mentioned earlier aimed to uncover scents that dogs find appealing. The scents selected for the study were ones that are also known to be pleasing to humans.


Lavender, with its calming and soothing properties, is a fragrance that many humans find pleasant. Interestingly, the study found that dogs also had a positive reaction to the scent of lavender. It is believed that the scent of lavender has a calming effect on dogs, making it a popular choice in products such as calming sprays and diffusers.


The sweet and comforting scent of vanilla is another fragrance that both humans and dogs seem to enjoy. The study revealed that dogs exhibited positive reactions when exposed to the scent of vanilla. This finding aligns with the use of vanilla in various dog products, including shampoos, candles, and even doggy colognes.


Chamomile is a scent often associated with relaxation and tranquility. Humans have long used chamomile for its calming properties, particularly in teas. The study found that dogs also responded positively to the scent of chamomile, further supporting its potential to create a soothing environment for our four-legged companions.


The fresh and invigorating scent of citrus fruits is another fragrance that dogs find appealing. The study revealed that dogs showed interest and positive reactions when exposed to the scent of citrus. This finding aligns with the use of citrus-scented cleaning products, which are often used to mask odors that may be unpleasant to dogs.


The cool and refreshing scent of peppermint is not only enjoyed by humans but also by our canine companions. The study found that dogs exhibited positive reactions to the scent of peppermint. This aligns with the use of peppermint in dog dental products, as it can help freshen their breath and promote oral hygiene.

Understanding the Impact of Scents on Dogs

While the study shed light on scents that dogs find appealing, it's important to note that individual preferences may vary. Just like humans, dogs have their own unique tastes and preferences. What appeals to one dog may not necessarily have the same effect on another.

Additionally, it's crucial to consider that certain scents may have different effects on dogs. While some scents may be pleasant and calming, others may be overwhelming or even distressing to dogs. It's essential to observe your dog's reactions to different scents and adjust accordingly.

Furthermore, it's important to note that while dogs may enjoy certain scents, it doesn't mean they should be exposed to them excessively. Dogs have a highly sensitive olfactory system, and overpowering scents can be overwhelming for them. It's always best to use scents in moderation and ensure that your dog's well-being is the top priority.

Enhancing Your Dog's Environment with Pleasant Scents

Now that we have a better understanding of scents that dogs love, you may be wondering how to incorporate them into your dog's environment. Here are a few ways you can enhance your dog's surroundings with pleasant scents:

Calming Sprays and Diffusers

If you have a dog that experiences anxiety or stress, using calming sprays or diffusers with scents like lavender or chamomile can help create a soothing atmosphere. These products are designed to release the scent gradually, providing a calming effect for your furry friend.

Scented Toys and Bedding

Introducing toys and bedding with scents that dogs find appealing can make their environment more enjoyable. Look for toys and bedding that are infused with scents like vanilla or citrus to provide a sensory experience for your dog.

Grooming Products

When grooming your dog, opt for shampoos and grooming products that have pleasant scents. Not only will this make the grooming experience more enjoyable for your dog, but it will also leave them smelling fresh and clean.

Use Caution with Scents

While incorporating pleasant scents into your dog's environment can be beneficial, it's important to use caution. Avoid using strong or overpowering scents that may overwhelm your dog. Additionally, always monitor your dog's reactions to different scents and discontinue use if any adverse effects occur.


While scientific data on canine smell preferences may be limited, studies like the one mentioned in this article provide valuable insights into the scents that dogs find appealing. From lavender and vanilla to chamomile and citrus, there are various scents that both humans and dogs enjoy.

Understanding your dog's olfactory preferences can help you create a more enriching and pleasant environment for them. By incorporating scents that dogs love in moderation and observing their reactions, you can enhance their well-being and overall happiness.

Remember, just like humans, dogs have their own unique preferences, so it's essential to pay attention to what your furry friend enjoys. With a little experimentation and observation, you can create a sensory experience that will delight your canine companion.