The Curious Case of Dogs Making Funny Faces: A Look into Dog Behavior

While the exact reasons behind why dogs make funny faces when they think no one is looking may remain a mystery, it's clear that this behavior is a natural and endearing aspect of dog behavior.


12/26/20233 min read

a dog sitting in a charging station next to a white car
a dog sitting in a charging station next to a white car

Have you ever caught your dog making funny faces when they think no one is looking? It's a common and endearing behavior that many dog owners have observed. But why do dogs do this? Is there a specific reason behind their comical expressions? In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of canine behavior and explore the possible explanations for why dogs make funny faces.

The Language of Facial Expressions

Just like humans, dogs use facial expressions to communicate their emotions and intentions. While we may not always understand their specific expressions, dogs have a wide range of facial movements that can convey various messages. From the playful grin to the quizzical eyebrow raise, dogs have a knack for expressing themselves through their faces.

When your dog makes funny faces, it could be a sign of their playful nature or an attempt to grab your attention. Dogs are social animals, and they often use their facial expressions to engage with their human companions. By making funny faces, they may be trying to elicit a response or simply entertain themselves.

Attention-Seeking Behavior

One possible explanation for why dogs make funny faces when they think no one is looking is attention-seeking behavior. Dogs are highly perceptive animals, and they can sense when they have an audience. If your dog notices that you are watching, they may be more likely to perform funny antics in an attempt to capture your attention and make you laugh.

However, dogs also have a mischievous side. They may enjoy making funny faces when they think no one is watching as a form of self-amusement. Just like humans, dogs can experience moments of silliness and find joy in making funny expressions.

Staring into the Distance

Another intriguing aspect of dogs making funny faces is when they do so while staring into the distance. This behavior can be attributed to their keen senses and natural instincts. Dogs have a heightened sense of smell and hearing, allowing them to detect things that may be out of our range of perception.

When your dog stares into the distance and makes funny faces, they may be reacting to an interesting scent or sound that has caught their attention. It's their way of expressing curiosity and investigating the world around them. Just like humans may raise an eyebrow or squint when trying to make sense of something, dogs may contort their faces in response to stimuli.

Emotional Expressions

Dogs are highly emotional creatures, and their facial expressions often reflect their current mood. When your dog makes funny faces, it's possible that they are expressing a range of emotions, such as happiness, excitement, or even confusion. Dogs can be incredibly expressive, and their faces can convey a multitude of feelings.

It's important to note that not all funny faces made by dogs are positive. In some cases, dogs may exhibit funny expressions as a response to fear, anxiety, or discomfort. It's crucial to pay attention to your dog's overall body language and behavior to ensure they are not experiencing any distress.

Individual Personality Traits

Just like humans, dogs have unique personalities. Some dogs are naturally more expressive and prone to making funny faces, while others may be more reserved in their facial expressions. The frequency and intensity of the funny faces can vary from dog to dog, depending on their individual personality traits.

For example, a highly playful and outgoing dog may make funny faces more frequently as a way to engage with their environment and the people around them. On the other hand, a more laid-back and reserved dog may only display funny faces occasionally or in specific situations.


While the exact reasons behind why dogs make funny faces when they think no one is looking may remain a mystery, it's clear that this behavior is a natural and endearing aspect of dog behavior. Dogs use their facial expressions to communicate, seek attention, express emotions, and showcase their individual personalities.

Next time you catch your dog making a funny face, take a moment to appreciate their unique way of interacting with the world. It's just another charming aspect of being a dog owner and sharing your life with these incredible animals.